Forgiveness can be a challenging concept for many. However resentment, bitterness or guilt are emotions that keep us locked in the past and powerless in the present. As well as being linked with many disease states including cancer. Read on to explore forgiveness and set yourself free from thepain, anger and guilt, and allow yourself to move on...Read More
Nana had it right when she made up a big pot of chicken soup to fight off a cold. The minerals from the chicken bones combined with onion, garlic, chilli and ginger plus added vegetables and herbs give your body the nutrients it needs to fight off any invaders. This is a 2 in 1 recipe, as I roast the chicken to have for dinner, and then make chicken soup with the leftovers.
Read MoreWith the change in the weather, it’s time to look after your immune system, as we seem to be more susceptible to colds and flu with the cooler temperatures. Naturopathic medicine can offer nutritional advice, as well as supplements and herbal medicines to support the immune system to prevent infection, as well as assist when you are feeling under the weather. There are also a multitude of things you can do to support your immune health and enjoy the winter months without battling the cough and sniffles.Read More
One of my passions is helping people with depression and anxiety through natural medicine. There are so many options available that can help with these symptoms. There are many contributing factors to mental health issues - including trauma, genetic factors, lifestyle, but one of the major influences that not many people are aware of is what is going on in the gut.
Read MoreAnyone who has ever struggled with depression understands the sense of hopelessness that comes with it. We all have days when we’re feeling a bit down, sad or not in the mood to be social. However people with depression experience these feelings constantly, for long periods of time, and sometimes without any apparent reason.Read More
So many people I speak with are struggling with a sleep disorder which impacts their day to day functioning. Insomnia affects up to 30% of the population and is defined as a chronic or acute sleep disorder characterized by a complaint of difficulty initiating, and/or maintaining sleep, as well as a subjective complaint of poor sleep quality that results in daytime impairment.
Anyone who has had bouts of insomnia (or young babies in the house) knows that lack of sleep has a huge effect on mood as well as physical impairment, resulting in mental and physical exhaustion, and lowered cognitive function. Pharmaceutical medications might get you to sleep, but they come with a range of side-effects including grogginess, potential for overdose, tolerance, and addiction.
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